Mary Clark discovered Elvis Presley at the tender age of five. Traveling on a family road trip, but before arriving in her home state of Texas, her family made a stop at Graceland in Memphis, TN. It was there and then that Mary began her love of and passion for all things Elvis.

Since that day, Mary has developed a knowledge of Elvis’ movies, music, concert years, and life. She has been privileged to meet and become friends with some of Elvis’ most devoted family members and dear friends. You can count on finding Mary at Graceland during Elvis Week in August (sometimes behind the camera freelancing for EPE) and during Elvis’ Birthday Celebration every January.

A couple of years ago, Mary began what has become known as the Tombstone Tours. These tours began as a devotion to the family and friends of Elvis who are sadly no longer with us. She has a commitment to keeping their memory alive and honoring their important contribution to the life and legacy of Elvis Presley.

She hopes that you will also want to remember Elvis’ loved ones and has published a comprehensive guidebook—TOMBSTONE TOURIST TOUR GUIDEBOOK—to help honor their life and times with Elvis.